Why Women Need Women – Let’s Talk!
Yes. It’s true! We adore our girlfriend time. We love a cup of tea and a visit with our bestie. We enjoy conversations with a fellow mom in aisle three at the grocery store discussing the merits of sliced or speared pickles. We share tips and life hacks. We love, love, love catching up with our BFF on the phone, via Skype or in person. For most women, connecting with other women matters so much that it is an integral part of who they are as individuals. And, we completely understand as it relates to women needing women. Here are some thoughts why:
1) By nature, women nurture. Women are caregivers. For us, tending to the friendship garden is vital. It feeds us. It adds to who we are. And, interestingly enough, it turns out that women have the brain chemistry primed to make and maintain friendships with other women. Who knew there was a chemical reason for us to have time with our BESTIE! – Sorry honey. You take the kids. My brain needs my bestie! – Humor aside – the formula seems simple enough. Nurturing others feels good and fills a need. By befriending, supporting and instinctively nurturing other women, there is emotional connection and reward. Simply stated, it can feed our soul. Women need women.
2) Friendships between women reduce stress. Before writing this BLOG, I learned that the fight or flight response presents itself differently in women than in men. In stressful situations, the hormone oxytocin is released. For women, oxytocin sets off a need to alleviate the problem. Female bonding is soothing and offers relief. Think about it. If you are upset about something, you want to vent. And, you should. Sharing your troubles with another is half the battle when it comes to stress. Next time you are feeling the pressure, call a friend who is a good listener, a sounding board or who can offer advice. Connecting is a healthy choice and women are wired for this. Women need women.
3) Humans are complex and, as such, we cannot get everything we emotionally need from just one person. Each of us brings something different to the table. If you think about it, different friendships satisfy different needs. You might have a friend who is your workout partner while another might be your standing Saturday night date. These friendships have a purpose and can fill a void. In essence, women seek friendships that round out their personalities and allow us to be true to ourselves. This is healthy and a positive step in honoring who we are as individuals. Women need women.
So, what’s the take away from the Hemp Organics by Colorganics Blog post, Why Women Need Women? I guess you could say that connections matter. They are vital to the human experience. In today’s techno-charged world, we recommend slowing it down. Enjoy each day and each experience as unique and meaningful. Take time for the cup of tea, the walk in the park and to smell the roses – with your bestie, of course.
Yours in excellent health and stunning lip color,