Lights! Camera! Action!
In mid-January, my work took me on a two-day photo and video shoot for Hemp Organics by Colorganics. Yup – I am a creative type. I was headed to San Francisco, California. I was excited but not just because I live in a small hipster’s mountain town buried in snow from October to late April. The truth is – I was looking forward to a change of scenery, and I was dying to wear anything but snow boots! Are you with me? You know you are!
Donning cute shoes and a city-fied mini-dress, I boarded a plane. Snow be damned! I was heading west. I had my computer in my bag and my head in the game. Nothing was going to deter my excitement nor my anticipation of my latest creative adventure. Nope! Nothing! Not my first plane being late nor missing my connection. Not my four-hour layover nor not being able to charge a phone. Hey, what can I say? I am an optimist. I was primed and ready. I knew what was ahead. But, what I didn’t know was what I would discover about the core values of Hemp Organics by Colorganics.
Let me explain – Lights! Camera! Action! I spent two 14 hour days on set. As part of the marketing team, I was immersed in an incredible mix of professionals, creativity, and talent: producers, models, photographers, videographers, assistants, hair and make-up artists not to mention the mother-load of Hemp Organics lip care products. Don’t get me wrong. I have been on many commercial film production sets before, and I know how they work. But, this one seemed different. From the first early morning call until the final wrap, the energy on set was beyond incredible.
Hemp Organics by Colorganics has a vibe that everyone LOVES! From its founder/owner to the gal answering the phone, this company connects people who are intelligent, driven and want to make a difference. These people are aware of their surroundings, their impact and how they affect change. My strong sense of what was going on wasn’t simply rhetoric; it was about lifestyle. I was with like-minded creative types who seamlessly demanded more for themselves and the world around them. With everything from sustainable business practices to better health, including social and environmental responsibility, being a part of this is AMAZING! Yup – screaming that!
For 20 years, Colorganics has created the Hemp Organics lip care line. Yes – 20 years! Let’s think about that. Imagine it’s 1997. The interest in organics was just starting to take off. Organics were even beginning to make their way onto the shelves of some grocery stores. Yes, people were becoming aware of toxins in our foods and other products. People were making smarter choices and demanding more. But, organics still had a long way to go.
Believing that environmental issues would ultimately determine the future of our planet and the survival of all species, Colorganics found a home in San Francisco. With an understanding of how conventional farming practices are poisoning our land, water, air and ultimately our bodies, the founder/owner of Colorganics took a stand to make each day better for our environment and our bodies. Yes, Hemp Organics lip products feature a USDA certified organic base with natural mineral pigments. This is a good thing for your lips and the planet. But, truth being told, this company does more.
They walk the walk and talk the talk. With sustainable business practices, Colorganics stands up to the other corporations whose practices are destroying our land and experimenting with our health. Regardless of the cost, Colorganics’ mission supports small batch production, vegetarian, vegan, fair-trade, natural, organic, and NON-GMO verified ingredients as well as cruelty-free, gluten-free, eco-friendly practices. Their dedication to a higher standard has earned them certification from Quality Assurance International, (AKA: QAI ), the most recognized organic certification body throughout the world.
Thirty-seven shades of lipstick, six lip glosses, nine lip tints and six lip pencils later, the company’s owner/founder has never looked back. They have come a long way. The core team values health and our planet. By taking this a step further, the company attracts similar traits in its associates. Let’s hear it for our health! Let’s hear it for the planet! Let’s hear it for making a difference! YUP – this last one is what struck home – making a difference. It was completely obvious to me that every person on set was making a difference with their smart choices resulting in a better world. Yes – one might say I need to get out of the mountains more – and, I do. But, to be around such progressive, and inspired and forward thinking was a gift. I want to thank the gift giver and all of those who every day work hard to make a difference. I hear you! I am listening. I too have joined your ranks!
For more information about all things HEMP ORGANICS by COLORGANICS, visit our website:, LIKE us on FACEBOOK (, Follow us on INSTAGRAM( @colorganics) and TWITTER (@colorganics). You’ll be so glad you did!
Yours in excellent health and outstanding lip color, ,
The Team at Hemp Organics by Colorganics